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Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Video Available - Period Analysis

I've posted a video of the Period Analysis process. This is process you do with ValueAverager on a monthly or quarterly basis to keep your portfolio on your Value Path. You will see how ValueAverager evaluates the portfolio to determine how far off the value path it has gotten. You also see how it uses trades (in the video they are buy trades) to tilt the portfolio a bit closer to its target asset allocation.

ValueAverager not only keeps track of how well your portfolio is staying on its Value Path. It also keeps track of how close your portfolio is to the target asset allocation, if you set one up. Each time you make trades to get back on your value path, ValueAverager optimizes those trades using your asset allocation as well.

Please watch the video, then take a moment to think about trying to do this on your own with a calculator or with Excel. Even if you enjoy working out problems like that, ValueAverager will still save you significant time.

The video is here.

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